Trust based ecosystem

About Us

Inspired by the challenges in Agriculture Ecosystem, motivated by the indomitable spirit of millions of small and marginal farmers, recognising the need to bring the untouched billions into the digital fold; we are a technology company out to build inclusive solutions that will foster entrepreneurship, attract talent to the industry and provide a made-in India platform for a global problem.


Make Every Rural Life & Livelihood Digital


– Build a collaborative technology platform for stakeholders of the Ecosystem
– Create a network of entrepreneurs ( Arthamitras ) in rural ecosystem


– Onboard, engage, empower and enable growth with the stakeholders of the Ecosystem
– To bridge the digital divide, build trust and improve income for rural population

Our Presence

We are now present in more than 4 states of India, assisting FPOs and FPCs to manage their organization and improve their operations.
We are growing rapidly as with each cooperative we hand hold them to onboard into the digital realm of farmer member management, communication management, compliance, product and stock management.
Our team strives to create value for each stakeholder by magnifying their products and services in this Agri Ecosystem

If you are a FPO partner, reach out to us and we can build a stronger rural ecosystem