Trust based ecosystem

Empowering Trust, Sustainability & Ecosystem

Inclusive Growth Through Technology And Innovation

Everything around farm enterprises

There is so much to do with Farm and Rural living, ArthAgri works with FPOs, FPCs and Rural organisations to make it work


Technology Platform to digitise and automate process flow

Partner MOU

Partner integrations to provide 360 degree services to FPOs

entrepreneur arthamitra

Promote entrepreneurship at village level by employing services of agri-preneurs

Agri Ecosystem

Backward Linkage; Forward Linkage and everything in between

There is a complex ecosystem out there which close knits the agro products and services. The wider the consumers of agro products the more complex it becomes; as it involves a plethora of service providers.
Our endeavour is to enable smooth operations between these different service providers such that all in the system benefit from this integrated approach.


Service providers in the ecosystem